VOTE Jason Morgan for SHERIFF
of Monongalia County, WV

U.S. Army Veteran

About Jason Morgan
Jason has been a lifelong resident of Monongalia County and graduated from University HS in 1989. In his teenage years, Jason volunteered at the River Road VFD as a junior firefighter, where he discovered his passion and became a devoted, lifelong First Responder. Jason enlisted in the United States Army, serving during Desert Shield/Desert Storm, where he became EMS certified as a Combat Lifesaver. After receiving an Honorable Discharge, Jason returned home where he continued his work as a First Responder. Since then, he's held positions as an EMT, firefighter and law enforcement officer.
For the past 15 years, Jason was a Deputy at the Monongalia County Sheriff's Department where he passionately served and protected our county. Being a road-deputy during his tenure, actively engaging with community members, businesses and visitors to Monongalia County, was his favorite part of the job. These years of experience gifted Jason with fruitful relationships, rich community insights and allowed him to keep a finger on the pulse of Monongalia County every day. His role as a deputy sheriff also provided Jason with a perfect platform to make a positive impact in any way possible. 'Make a positive impact' is Jason's unwavering top priority and ultimate goal in both his professional and personal life.
Fueled by his ultimate goal, passion for Monongalia County and its Sheriff's Department, as well as encouragement from family, friends and community members; Jason made the life-altering decision to run for SHERIFF OF MONONGALIA COUNTY!!
Jason's decision to run for sheriff wasn't easy as it comes at a very high cost. Due to Jason's civil service status as a deputy sheriff, West Virginia State Code §7-14-15.a1 required Jason to resign from his position at the Monongalia County Sheriff's Department in order to run for Sheriff. It states, "A deputy sheriff...may not...Be a candidate for or hold any other public office in the county in which he or she is employed". In August 2023, Jason left behind the job and colleagues he's loved for 15 years to become the next Sheriff of Monongalia County!
He's served our country and
is now dedicated to serving you!


As Sheriff...
I will continue to serve as an active member of the Monongalia County QRT, fighting to combat the drug problem which has risen to an epidemic level over the last several years.
I will be proactive, NOT reactive, making every effort to educate all citizens of Monongalia County about the ongoing phone and internet scams which target, and prey on, our parents and grandparents. There is nothing more heartbreaking than taking a case of an elderly citizen who has been scammed out of their life savings.
I will continue to work with the Monongalia County commissioners in regard to addressing issues relating to the homeless population in our county, panhandling and focusing on making Monongalia County a much safer place in which to live, as well as operate a successful business.
I will work with the Board of Education to ensure every school within Monongalia County has a school resource professional, whether it be an active law enforcement officer or other trained professional, such as retired military or active security officers. The safety and well-being of our children is of the utmost importance.
I will also strive to obtain assistance for our first responders in regard to much needed counseling, after action reviews and critical incident stress debriefings (CISD). Too often, our first responders are forgotten when it comes to mental health.
I will continue to work with the K-9 adoption center, and any other animal care groups, to ensure ALL animals have a voice when it comes to abuse and neglect.
I will be a WORKING sheriff! I plan to answer 911 calls for service and assist my deputies in the performance of their duties. Law enforcement is a team effort which requires a hands-on approach from the top down. It is important that those working for the sheriff's office know I will not ask them to do something I myself am not willing to do. I graduated from the West Virginia State Police Academy just like every other certified law enforcement officer in this state and I am prepared to continue to serve the citizens of Monongalia County in that capacity as Sheriff.
Training will be a major priority, and our deputies will never be denied the opportunity to advance their career and gain knowledge which will benefit the deputy, the department and the community as a whole.
I will be a transparent sheriff with an “open door” policy to all employees of the Monongalia County Sheriff's Office, as well as all citizens of the county. Two things you will NEVER hear me say...which is currently heard all to often are: “Because I said so!” and “That's the way we've always done it.” I do not believe this type of mentality fosters growth and progress in a positive manner and, as sheriff, I am committed to providing the best service, and protection, to the citizens of Monongalia County.
Jason's Family
Jason, and his entire family, have spent a lifetime serving the citizens of Monongalia County as first responders with local volunteer fire departments, EMS and local law enforcement.
Jason's fiancé, Lisa, has been serving our community as a health care professional in Monongalia County for over 20 years.
Lisa has two adult sons, Jordan and Josh. Jason and Lisa have a 13 year old daughter, Olivia, who attends Westwood Middle School. Jason has an adult son and daughter-in-law, Jacob and Samantha as well as a daughter and son-in-law, Taylor and Jonathan.
Jason is also a very proud grandfather to three beautiful grandchildren, Jonah, Oaklynn, and his newest grandson, Jaxon.
His sister Angie and brother-in-law John, are successfully retired and live here in Monongalia County.
Jason's brother, John, has been a lifelong resident of Monongalia County. Like Jason, John is a U.S. Army, Desert Storm Veteran and has been a First Responder for over 30 years. For the past 18 years, John has served as a Law Enforcement Officer for the City of Westover.
Jason has served his county and is now dedicated to serving you!! He's excited for the opportunity to continue to serve his community as your next Sheriff of Monongalia County.
With your help and support, we can make Monongalia County a safer place for all of us to live and prosper!
Why should you choose Jason for our Sheriff?
Work Experience
Deputy Sheriff - Monongalia County Sheriff’s Department, 2008 – 2023
Resigned from civil service position to become a candidate for Sheriff of Monongalia County
Law Enforcement Representative, Monongalia County Quick Response Team (QRT)
Governor’s Highway Safety Award – DUI Enforcement in 2010
Humane Officer Certified, Animal Abuse and Neglect
​Traffic and Security Detail: Chestnut Ridge Church, 2009 - 2023
School Resource Officer Detail (part-time): Westwood Middle School, 2014, 2017
West Virginia State Police Academy Graduate 137th Basic Class – 04/2009
Security Officer - Contracted work, 2003-2007
EMT-B - JanCare, 2001-2006
Certified, National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians: 2001
North Central West Virginia EMT of the Year in 2001
US Army, 19D Cavalry Scout - Armored Reconnaissance Specialist; Honorable Discharge, 1992
EMS Certified, Combat Lifesaver - Big Bend Community College, 1991
Member of Monongalia County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, 2009 - 2023
Served as: President (3 years), Vice President (2 years)
Certificate of Appreciation: Life Member - Disabled American Veterans Chapter 45, 2021 – present
American Legion Post 174 – 2021 – present
Mon/Preston Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge 87 – 2020 – present
Westover VFW Post 9916 - Life Member and Trustee – 2019 - present
WV Gymnastics Training Center's G-Force Gymnastics Team
Current Committee Member
Former Vice president, 2019
Morgantown VFW Post 548 – 1993
Member of Westover VFD 1989 – present (inactive)
Ranks achieved: Lieutenant, Captain, Assistant Chief, Executive
Board Member - Trustee
River Road VFD – Junior Firefighter, 1988
Volunteer and Ambassador Work:
Operation Welcome Home
Monongalia County Ambassador to Mission 22 (Veteran Suicide Prevention), Educator
Monongalia County Quick Response Team (QRT)
Substance Use Disorder Educator
Liaison: Guiding those in active addiction to long term rehabilitation
Lauren's Wish
All-American Grand Bash Ambassador
Assists with fundraising for numerous non-profit organizations throughout Monongalia County
Former Trainer, Westover Rockets
Former Coach, WesMon baseball and community basketball
Community advocate for victims of substance abuse and mental health disorder
Certified State of West Virginia Law Enforcement Officer, 2009 - present
National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (NBFSPQ: PRO Board Certified 2004
West Virginia University: Fire Service Extension - National Fire Academy Course Certifications
American Red Cross: Instructor, Heartsaver First Aid, 2003
American Heart Associations: Instructor Certified - BLS, 2001
Forest Fire Warden, Commissioned, 2000
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Jason Morgan for Sheriff
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